Monday, November 10, 2014

LAD #11

The Seneca Falls Declaration was a monumental document in the women’s suffrage movement which held roots in upstate New York. This document stated how in the Declaration of Independence the rights of women are very unclear; therefore in this Seneca Falls declaration it states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal” only changing the words in order to add women into this equal group. They also restated the line about when the government is not supporting the interests of the people, they posses the right to rebel, in which case the Women’s rights activist did just that during this time period. The Declaration covered many rights that had been stripped from women throughout history. Some of these consisted of at marriage, women lose all wages as well as property to their new husbands, there are no rights for women to vote and the women of history never had any say in law making processes, therefore causing many of their interests to go unrepresented by the government. The writers then added a section of the Declaration when they made revisions to the problems stated earlier, suggesting things such as “women is man’s equal” and “that she should be recognized as such”. Their showing of the problems in treatment of women throughout history and the presented possible solutions were a big step in achieving Women’s suffrage. The Seneca Falls Declaration played a huge part in American history in achieving the equality sought by America and its founders for women throughout America.

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