The 5th of July speech was a significant one delivered by Fredrick Douglas speaking on how the Fourth of July is only considered independence day to some, specifically white men only! To blacks this is considered a day of mourning. Douglas states how from a slaves point of view this day is only a celebration to those who can truly call themselves free. Now, these slaves along with the rest of the United States were freed from British rule, but they were still under the rule of their white owners and therefore they were not truly free men. Slavery was still a large issue that had not yet been stressed upon enough. He speaks on how it is wrong to have a day called independence when there are men in America who are still robbed of their own liberty and are forced to work and be controlled by other men without complaints. A slave is a victim on this day of celebration, they do not have any respect or independence and therefore this so called 'holiday' is meaningless to them.
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