Monday, October 27, 2014

LAD #10

Monroe Doctrine

Passed by President James Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine was a monumental step for foreign policy in the United States. It stated that any European colonization in the Americas would be seen as an attack on America that gave them the right to intervene. Monroe was trying to help with the development of America with this doctrine and also aid the underdeveloped countries in mid and South Americas that were trying to gain independence for themselves. He wanted the Americas, “not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power”. This really summarizes the doctrine well being the main idea of it. Monroe's main goal was to preserve the happiness of the fellow American countries and to give them the same opportunity at freedom as they had. The European powers were threatened by the United States saying that if they tried to colonize in America, it will be taken as a personal threat to our country and we will intervene to preserve the best interests of the surrounding nations, an attempt to be an ally to the developing countries. The main point of the Monroe Doctrine was to keep European Powers away from colonizing the developing countries in North and South America in order to develop new countries to ally and also potentially keep other colonial powers as far from opposing American expansion as possible.

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