Tuesday, November 18, 2014

LAD #17

"Ain't I a Woman?" By Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth is a black woman. The issues that are going on at this time are of slavery and women's rights specifically. In this speech given by Truth, "Ain't I women?" is the recurring line which goes along with all of the stereotypical ways that women should be treated. In reality, none of these things play out in real life, especially for a black women like herself. She stresses how women work just as hard as men and are just as important, so why are rights between the two genders different. Women deserve just the same. In the last paragraph it says how men are treated as superior because "Christ wasn't a woman!", which is not a viable reason because how did Christ come to be? In the end, this speech stressed the importance of women and how their rights and responsibilities are just as important as men's.

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