Monday, November 24, 2014

LAD #19

Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address took place on March 4, 1865. Upon taking his second term in office he restates that his goals from his first term still stand and there is little new that he wants introduced, his hopes were high for the future. Lincoln mentions how the civil war that began soon after his first term had been going on for much longer then the people had hoped for. One of the causes of the war was the issue of slavery. The war began with the goal of protecting the Union in mind but little did we know that the issue of slavery would be the biggest factor in the midst of the war. It became a fight between the North and South with many factors involved and there had to be a victor in order to rebuild the United States stronger. Lincoln closes out his address by saying that the goal is to "let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds...". This speech came to be one of Abraham Lincolns most important speeches ever written.

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