Tuesday, November 11, 2014

LAD #13

This speech by John Calhoun was one of his most famous despite the fact that he was even to ill to deliver it himself. It addressed the issue of slavery and how it was tearing the Union apart bit by bit. This was due to the fact that the South approved of slavery and the North strongly opposed it and it was causing a controversy that needed to be addressed. Calhoun in his writing leaned more towards the South and their views in a sort of pitiful way. He knew that the real issue was that the South did have less representation in the senate, also were taxed more then the North and had unequal opportunities on many issues, especially slavery. The South was also affected more economically in comparison to the North with tariffs and taxes. Therefore, Calhoun then went on to state how the only way to preserve the Union was to equalize the power of the North and South in the government. Calhoun delivered this speech with the best of intentions for America, weather it became a success or not he knew he had done everything he possibly could to save it.

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