Sunday, September 21, 2014

Republican Motherhood Blog

1. What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?  
During the Revolutionary War, women played a huge role in the home life while the men were fighting in the War. They raised the children all on their own, loving and caring for them while maintaining the home (Doc C). They also played parts as nurses in caring for the men when they were injured in the war. The role of women due to this time increased for the better and soon enough women were considered just as important as men were.

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
One consequence that Republican Motherhood can cause is the fact that if a women were to disregard her duties, she would be deserting what God had assigned her to do therefore letting him down. This is because if the mother does not maintain a well-ordered family, she and her family will become a disgrace to society (Doc A). Another consequence that can result from motherhood is if she does not educate her children properly then they will not have the proper knowledge to maintain an occupation later in life (Doc B).

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?
The importance of a women at this time increased immensely, they were now known as "the most important degree, the destiny of our country". Basically saying that without women in the world, society would be nothing, there would be no order and no future because women make the decisions that keep everything in order and together (Doc D).

The setting of this picture is in a house on a couch.

The women in the middle is Mary Gibson Tilgham and she looks happy. She is republican rather than aristocratic because you can see the strong sense of republican motherhood as she has both of her sons close to her and she looks very fond of them. 

Her sons exhibit values of innocence, happiness and love for their mother.

The significance of Mrs. Tilgham's arm is that she is actually touching her children and showing affection and closeness to them which was not very common before this time.

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