Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

In Washington's Farewell Address, the objective of his speech is to tell the people that he does not desire to be their ruler for a third term. He started by stating how he believed he was not cut out for the job but according to the people he was, which encouraged his second term serving as the president. Therefore after his second term was coming to an end he reproaches his farewell speech or address. He preaches that without the support of the people during his presidency, he would not have been able to accomplish all that he did that benefitted the country. Washington stresses the importance of the government in maintaining peace and freedom of each and every person. He notes the need for nationalistic feelings of pride in our country and patriotism to be prominent to keep the colonies united! He is wise when leaving an important message to not get involved with foreign affairs and to try and limit interruption of peace. To maintain manufacturing within the colonial boundaries and to make no alliances. Another importance that is looked upon is that all should obey the established government due to the fact that we as citizens are lucky enough to have a say in forming the Constitution which represents us all. He also mentions how factions need to keep from causing conflict as that will only end with worse consequences. A main take away from his address was that the best way to keep a united and free America was to stay away from foreign intervention and to embrace independence.

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