Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blog #4- Revolution Article

  "Rethinking the Revolution"
           by John Ferling

1. The Civil War was known to many as the first modern war. This is due to the fact that there were cameras and technology getting footage of the war as it was being fought This therefore gave insight to historians on the war which gives us more accurate facts on what happened during this time. On top of this some of the soldiers letters survived, making what historians wrote very accurate.

2. Many did not have the impression that the Revolutionary War was the longest and most deadly war, its magnitude was downplayed. However, in America out of 2.5 million people, 30,000 perished. When in comparison to other wars, the facts are set that this war caused a high death toll; if the facts were the same in a war fought today our population would decrease from 300 million to about 3 million.

3. Peoples views on the Revolutionary War are not as clear and true as those are on the Civil War. This is because the facts on the Revolution and the Revolutionary War were passed down by word of mouth due to the fact that the 13 Continental Army Generals had all died out leaving information in the hands of those who hadn't lived through it.

4. Washington as President of the United States did not do much to appreciate/remember those who fought in significant battles at the time. He did not do much at all really; none of his words stood out to other significant people during the time and he also resigned his own position in November, 1783.

5. The Americans who invaded Canada had worse conditions than I thought. The desperation for food was so high that some ate a soup made from boiled shoes and candles or even gnawed on tree bark. Most were naked as the enemy took their clothing and they therefore died throughout the cold harsh winter.

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