Wednesday, January 7, 2015

LAD #24

Bryan's "Cross of Gold" Speech

William Jennings Bryan was the brains behind the Cross of Gold speech. Bryan’s main point regarded the issue of weather or not Silver should be coined at a 16:1 ratio to Gold to quicken the circulation of money and try and help the poor struggling farmers of America out of their debt. His speech proved to be very powerful and inspiring due to the fact that the next day, the Democrats put him as a candidate on their ballot for the next President. Bryan stated in his speech that the currency and economy of America was destroying the south and west as the people out there who depended on farming and the other ways they made a living were all crushed by the economy that was supposed to help them. Some believed Bryan was an anarchist after painting a picture with his words of America being crucified on a cross made of Gold, the metal they so treasure because they have made it a thing of such high value that it would destroy the rest of the economy including the people who have made the US so powerful. Bryan was able to see from the peoples point of view. He was able to express what almost every farmer, miner, cowboy and any other person being hurt by the economic flaws of the US wanted to say in such a powerful way that he won the Democratic ballot to be the president and his speech is regarded as one of the best in history.

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