Monday, April 6, 2015

LAD #37

Brown v. Board of Education

This took place during a time when racial segregation was still a normal thing in the United States despite attempts to make the races seem as equals. The background on the case had to do with a young girl who had to walk a dangerous route to get to her black school when there was a white school closer to her house. Therefore, she tried to enroll there but the school refused to take her. She looked towards the NAACP for help. Then the District of Kansas' court heard about the case and made up a trial. They argued on the issue and the court ruled that segregation in public schools was negative towards the childrens education and decreased their motivation to learn. However, this case was then sent to the Supreme Court. The issue was circumstantial with the 14th Amendment and was discussed thoroughly. The decision ended positively and required desegregation of schools in America. This in mind however,  it did not end segregation or racism anywhere else but it was a big step towards the end of it.

Monday, March 23, 2015

LAD #36

Truman Doctrine

In 1947, President Harry S. Truman presented what was known as the Truman Doctrine. This Doctrine established that we would provide assistance to all nations that are threatened by Soviet or communist forces, it would also lead us into the Cold War. This was a new form of US foreign policy; we went from a long term of isolationism to what was known as intervention. This doctrine, Truman stated, would involve the national security of our country. The main reason for the formation of this document was to help out the Greek Government financially in this time of need and if we did not, they would not be able to survive as an independent nation. Truman believed it should be our duty to help them out because no other nation was willing to support them and their democratic government. When the British stopped aiding them, they turned to us for help, as did Turkey. In order to preserve peace between nations, Truman stated that the United Nations had been created solely for that reason. Lastly, he said that if we did not help them, the effects might reach not only the West but even the East including us.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

LAD #35

 FDR's Executive Order No. 9066

This executive order was on the topic of Japanese Relocation during the time of WWII. February 19, 1942 was the date that this order was given. Roosevelt stated that the Secretary of War should begin to prescribe military areas. He said that all that were currently in those areas would be provided with whatever necessary for when they were excluded from their area. These areas would be restricted with the help of Federal troops and other Federal Agencies and local and state agencies. Roosevelt then authorizes the Executive Department to assist the Secretary of War in carrying out this action including all of the necessities that came along with it like food clothing... etc. He also states that this order known as "9066" does not limit or modify order "8972" in any way.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

LAD #34

FDR's Declaration of War

Sometimes known as "Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation", Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave his declaration of war speech on December 8th, 1941 which came as a result of the Pearl Harbor attack. After being at peace with Japan, this was a confusing attack that was also insulting to the United States. As the attack was going on Roosevelt told us that the Japanese ambassador delivered a formal reply to an American message. This message contained no signs of war whatsoever. However, we can be sure that this attack was in fact planned as the location of it was so far from Japan, the Japanese believed that our statements of peace were false. Many American lives were lost Roosevelt said; naval forces damaged, American lives lost, ships torpedoed. But we were not the only ones he told America. The Japanese forces attacked several other countries as well in the Pacific area. Therefore, Roosevelt as Commander in Chief decided to take action for our defense and would not stop until our safety is definite. He uses the phrase, "so help us God." and asks that Congress declare war between the United States and Japan.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

LAD #33

Franklin D. Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address
 FDR's First Inaugural Address was in the middle of the Great Depression. It was 1933  and due to this economic slump that America was in, Roosevelt was doing his best to keep it truthful. Knowing that the nation had suffered and was still suffering, he made a bold statement which was a very famous quote of his, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." The basis of his address was about the economic situation of the United States at the time. He believed that us as Americans should become less materialistic and less about the money. His greatest goal that he stressed was the employment issue. Roosevelt told the citizens that in order to fix this economic ordeal, first everyone needs to partake in jobs and labor. He did this with several Federal works projects that were put into play. Roosevelt's other goals consisted of new and sound currency, supervision of banks by the government and good relations with foreign nations around us. With all of these goals in action under the leadership of Roosevelt, the United States would make a comeback and fix the economy that was in desperate need of fixing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

LAD #32

Kellogg Briand Peace Pact

In 1928, the Kellogg Briand Peace Pact which was also known as the Pact of Paris, was signed which would outlaw war. It was put into place for the purpose of preventing another World War like WWII. This being said, it did not have much of an effect on the militarism that was greatly increasing up to the second world war which was not prevented unfortunately. This pact was created to help the United States stay away from another war, so after going through several options, outlawing war sounded the most foolproof. Men that were involved in this such as Carnegie, Butler and Shotwell wanted international peace. Therefore, they created this agreement between America and France to outlaw war between them. However, Kellogg was nervous about this proposal to France; he worried that the agreement could be somewhat misleading like a sort of alliance which was not what we wanted. And so, they invited all other nations to participate. Most nations liked this pact and were willing to sign immediately, 15 signed first followed by 47 more later on. The pact was a success but the US made it clear that if this was broken by any one nation against us then self-defense would be a given right. In the end, the Kellogg Briand Pact did little in preventing WWII. However, Frank Kellogg did earn the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

LAD #31

Wilsons 14 Points

On the 8th of January, 1918, Woodrow Wilson gave a speech of Fourteen Points. Speaking on the topic of the war, he told us that the reason for going to war in the first place was to protect our rights which had been violated by other countries. The goal was to make the United States a fit and safe place to live for all of our people, under our rule; a place where we as a country could make our own decisions and be assured justice. Therefore came the 14 points, all stated what we shall strive to achieve for all America to benefit from as a result of the war. Wilson's points consisted of things such as peace, freedom of navigation, removal of economic barriers, equal trade, peaceful relations with other countries (Russia, Belgium, France, Austria-Hungary), and many others that would make America honorable and peaceful as a country. After stating all of his points, Wilson confidently says, "We cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We stand together until the end." He wraps up his speech by confirming that we will fight in this war until these arrangements (the points) are achieved so that we are able to ensure peace and stability throughout the United States of America. "We wish her only to accept a place of equality among the peoples of the world... instead of a place of mastery."

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

LAD #30

Schenck vs. US
Schenck urged people through circulars that they did not have to go into the draft due to it being for the wrong reasons. He wanted to get rid of the Conscription Act overall. He was in violation of attempting to obstruct recruitment by draftees into the army. Schenck was not protected in the end by the First Amendment due to the circumstances.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

LAD #29

Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916
The main purpose of this goal was to limit the working hours of children. It was said that there were nearly 2 million children working for child labor in the 1900s. The people soon began to realize that it was detrimental to the health and security of these children. An example of this was in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Woodrow Wilson put the Keating-Owen Labor Act into play as the first child labor bill. it banned the sale from any company that practiced child labor (children 16 and under). However, the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional as it 'overstepped the purpose of the governments powers.' After this act failed another was set up. It was ultimately considered unconstitutional as well. Later on, there was a proposal for a child labor amendment to be set up which would regulate it. Although it took awhile, eventually the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed and still stands today in support of children in the workforce.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

LAD #28

Wilsons First Inaugural Address
The Election of 1912 was one of great importance in American history. Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat who defeated the Republican William H. Taft and Theodore Roosevelt from the Progressive Party in this election. Wilsons inauguration reflected his Democratic principles which hoped to change the nation with after his big victory over two former Presidents. Wilson first addressed the greatness of the US as a nation, mentioning the intelligent leaders and individuals that had helped to developed the country into a world power in just a few hundred years. Next, he talked about the government which these individuals were responsible for shaping and how powerful it had become. He then went on to address the bad things which resulted from the Industrial Era. He believed it was his duty to fix these problems like the tariff and monopolies at the time. He made this a strong point, constantly stating that he will fix the economy and all people who went against these ideals would be brought to justice! He closed his speech with some confidence, pledging that he would work hard in his term, that today was the day his dedication to America began, and for the next four years his only goal would be to fix the country which he now held the power of in his own hands.

LAD #27

 The Clayton Anti-Trust Act
This act pointed out many things including unlawful monopolies and restraints. It was the act which followed up on the failure of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. In section 2 of the text it states that under this act it would be considered unlawful to charge different prices for the same product when involved in commerce. This helped to limit monopoly practices, stop major companies from rebates, cutting prices, making contracts with other companies and more. Between the Clayton Anti-Trust Act, and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, there are several differences as well as similarities. An example of this is that labor unions were no longer considered hindrances of the US economy. And so at this time  labor unions legally played a big part in reform.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

LAD #26

 In Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, King speaks on behalf of all African American people and their rights. He begins with how 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, the Negro is still not free and is still treated as inferiors to whites. The Declaration of Independence had stated that all men including black men would be guaranteed "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", yet this still was not the case at the time. King then states how there was no justice among the people, and he wanted to help "make justice a reality for all of God's children." He will not be satisfied until this is achieved for all men and not just the white population. The monumental speech ends with several "I have a dream..." statements and is ultimately wrapped up with this last line of the speech: "...will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech is one that will never be forgotten and on this day America thanks him.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

LAD #25

Dawes Severalty Act

The Dawes Severalty Act is stressed upon the subject of Indian Reserves in America. This act states that the President is authorized to survey any Indian reservation and separate it however he may choose to do so in order help Native Americans adapt to the US culture. Each Native American family would be given a section of land as their own under the US government in order to welcome them into America as citizens. However they did not get complete control over their land, there would be a patent which declared that the US would hold the land for 25 years until satisfied, this time could also be extend by the President until the Natives could be trusted. Overall the goal of this act was to get Native Americans to become a part of American culture so that they would no longer interfere in issues in the United States. The Dawes Severalty Act was a successful way to assimilate Native Americans into America with protection and guaranteed land even despite the fact that they were controlled by the US government.

LAD #24

Bryan's "Cross of Gold" Speech

William Jennings Bryan was the brains behind the Cross of Gold speech. Bryan’s main point regarded the issue of weather or not Silver should be coined at a 16:1 ratio to Gold to quicken the circulation of money and try and help the poor struggling farmers of America out of their debt. His speech proved to be very powerful and inspiring due to the fact that the next day, the Democrats put him as a candidate on their ballot for the next President. Bryan stated in his speech that the currency and economy of America was destroying the south and west as the people out there who depended on farming and the other ways they made a living were all crushed by the economy that was supposed to help them. Some believed Bryan was an anarchist after painting a picture with his words of America being crucified on a cross made of Gold, the metal they so treasure because they have made it a thing of such high value that it would destroy the rest of the economy including the people who have made the US so powerful. Bryan was able to see from the peoples point of view. He was able to express what almost every farmer, miner, cowboy and any other person being hurt by the economic flaws of the US wanted to say in such a powerful way that he won the Democratic ballot to be the president and his speech is regarded as one of the best in history.

LAD #23

 Populist Party Platform

The Populist Party represented an independent third party who opposed "concentrated capital". At this time there was a lot of corruption among voting and other governmental issues with the conditions in the industrial society. Currency had become an issue with silver and gold and some believed that this money was responsible for causing the destruction of civilization. The populists goal was to restore the government to the hands of the people. They wanted to change these ways of the government and take the power into their own hands in order to "correct these evils...". A very persistent party they were as they stated that they would not back down until equality was secure. Three strong statements were proposed by the populists: first the union be permanent, second wealth and labor conditions belong to those who deserve them, and third the railroads be managed and controlled by the people. Next there are a list of proposals and demands regarding finance, transportation and land. Lastly there is a list of some expressions of sentiments which state that these things must be resolved in order for this to work out in their favor. This time emerged as the Populist Movement and their prepositions proved them to be helpful throughout the Gilded Age.

LAD #22

McKinley's War Message

McKinley wanted to put an end to the war with Cuba. He believed that it would be in all Americans interest to end this war for good. As a result of this however, Congress found a resolution that somehow brought the US to side with the Cubans in war. He states how throughout the war with Cuba trade and the economy had suffered. McKinley then states four conditions for an intervention. The first being that it is our duty to help Cuba out and put an end to the hostility. Second we owe to Cuba our hospitality in which they cannot gain from their own government. Third because of all of the damage done to our economy and trade we have the right to intervene. And lastly it is important or us to find peace with Cuba so that we are able to prevent further conflict from occurring. He states how we have lost too many men in our nation because of this fighting and it needs to be fixed. In the ends McKinley makes it clear that he wants to resolve the conflict between our and the Cuban government to ensure "peace and tranquility and the security of its citizens as well as our own".